ETL for ObservePoint API Journey Rules

Create the table in our PostgreSQL database: CREATE TABLE public.rules (     fromtemplate BOOLEAN,     rulename text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",     checktimes INTEGER,     accountid INTEGER,   …

Create tables in PostgreSQL

According to our data model we will need five tables for our ETL project. Let’s line up the table field names with their data types.  Some of the JSON returned …

Create Database in PostgreSQL

Starting with the simple data model we will create the necessary database and users in the postgreSQL database.  The PGAdmin client ( is a nice GUI for the database that …

Simple Data Model

Today we are working with Version2 of Observepoint’s API.  The database tables will be created from this model.  Here’s the data model created for this project. Observepoint is an Automated …

Install PostgreSQL Database – Windows

Installing PostgreSQL DB on Windows 10 Download: Install:  Skipped installing additional components with stackbuilder:    All posts in this ETL series: Install PostgreSQL Database Simple Data Model Create Tables in …