Python ETL for Observepoint Folders into PostgreSQL Database

Create the table:

CREATE TABLE public.folders
    appsrunning INTEGER,
    appsinqueue INTEGER,
    fname text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    apprulefailures INTEGER,
    createdbyusername text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    appscount INTEGER,
    accountid INTEGER,
    createdbyuserid INTEGER,
    folderid INTEGER,
    auditsrunning INTEGER,
    createdat TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME zone,
    appfailures INTEGER,
    simulationerrors INTEGER,
    simulationsrunning INTEGER,
    domainscount INTEGER

Pull the JSON data from the Observepoint API and load:

def loadFolders(c):
    print(':loadFolders() start')

    apiconn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
    payload = "{}"
    headers = { 'authorization': "api_key yourapikey" }
    endpoint = "/v2/folders"
    apiconn.request("GET", endpoint, payload, headers)
    res = apiconn.getresponse()
    data =
    de_data = data.decode("utf-8")
    jdata = json.loads(de_data)
    for rownum, drow in enumerate(jdata, 1):
        #create an empty list of full values since calls return partial values
        insertvaluesnames = ['appsRunning','appsInQueue','name','appRuleFailures','createdByUserName','appsCount','accountId','createdByUserId','id','auditsRunning','createdAt','appFailures','simulationErrors','simulationsRunning','domainsCount']
        insertvalues = [None] * len(insertvaluesnames)
        #print('drow:' + str(rownum))
        for dfield in drow:
            for insert_list_index,currentvalue in enumerate(insertvaluesnames):
                if dfield == currentvalue:
                    insertvalues[insert_list_index] = drow.get(dfield)

    print(':loadFolders() end')

Function used to insert into the PostgreSQL folder table:

def insertFolder(c,a):
    """insertFolder()START  """
        sql = """
        INSERT INTO folders (appsrunning,appsinqueue,fname,apprulefailures,createdbyusername,
             VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
                    %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
                    %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)

        # create a cursor
        cur = c.cursor()
        cur.execute(sql, a)
        #print('inserted folder')
    except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:

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